Saturday 24 November 2012

YNY @ DCA - pictures

To the DCA this morning for a look at their display of Artists' Books. It's been quite a few years in coming, but I'm delighted to report that Yuck 'n Yum has finally sold out and joined the art establishment. I took a few photos and here they are:

Every issue of the zine published since 2008, and a few specials

A selection of images from inside the zine, along with 3 framed originals by cover artists

Paul Jon Milne

Ross Hamilton Frew

Helen Flanagan

The display includes rare examples of the landmark ‘multimedia magazine in a box' Aspen featuring work by Andy Warhol, Marshall McLuhan and Dan Graham

Zines including Raymond Pettibon's legendary Tripping Corpse

Classic zines by Val Norris alongside Yuck 'n Yum ephemera

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